Governance Discussion: Immutable Guidelines
AragonDo immutable guidelines contradict the nature of a Charter as a living document? Do they limit our ability to govern or do they safeguard us? What other questions should we ask?
The Aragon Network DAO Agreement S 1 currently states
- Immutable Guidelines
The guidelines in this section shall not be amended and shall apply to all proposals submitted to the Aragon Network DAO(s). If any other guidelines in this Agreement conflict with these immutable guidelines, the immutable guidelines shall take priority for enforcement purposes.
a. Proposal Compliance
i. Proposals must be governed by this Agreement or a future version of this Agreement as
modified within the bounds of the Agreement.
ii. Proposals must not disproportionately benefit a majority of ANT Holders voting on a proposal over the minority.
iii. ANT held by the Main DAO and/or Sub-DAOs must not be used to influence proposals nor
votes, nor be staked in Aragon Court.
Reasonable, unreasonable, clear or confusing?
This post is part of a series of dGov S1 conversations about the Aragon Network DAO Charter 3